3 Easy ways you can raise your vibrational frequency today & how it can
improve your everyday life!
Today we discuss what your vibrational frequency is, why it is important and how you can begin to raise yours in 3 easy steps you can start now.
Every living thing is made up of energy. We all have our own frequency that’s made up of different levels. Each level has its own vibration frequency. Combined, this creates your own vibration of being.
According to expert, Bruce Tainio, when our bodies are healthy, we have a frequency of 62-72 MHz. This is when we have all aspects of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels at the peak. A well-known researcher and developer of Tainio Technologies, he discovered that when our frequency levels decreased, so did our health. The bugs crept in, the disease started to form. So how can we raise our vibration frequency to tip-top condition?
Best oils, best methods, best results
Remember Bruce Tanio? He and his team of researchers discovered that essential oils have the highest vibration frequency than other matter. By measuring their frequencies, the team found that essential oils such as rose oil, Lavender and Frankincense have really high frequencies. In fact, rose oil alone has a frequency of 320MHz! While most oils are blended for a high frequency result, there a few that stand out for its vibrational frequency and their benefits together. There is a reason I add Frankincense to nearly every blend and this is one of them.
Here are our 3 essential tips for raising your frequency naturally:
- Nurture your body – Nurture your body – Everything we eat and drink affects our body. It has been recorded that canned or processed foods can have a frequency of 0MHz. To get our frequency higher, foods such as leafy greens, sprouts, fresh organic herbs and spices should be at the top of our list to eat. It’s been shown that fresh fruit has a frequency of 75MHz and veggies rank even higher with 80MHz – far better than those cheeky, delicious takeaway foods that can register as low as 7MHz. And like the doctor orders, drink water! It is excellent for flushing all those toxins out.
- Nurture your mind – Take time from your busy schedule to clear your mind and thoughts and let positivity in. Mediation is a proven practice to assist with:
- stress
- brain function
- metabolism
- A more restful nights sleep.
Just to name a few. All of these helping to raise the levels of your mind frequency. Its been shown that mediation has a frequency of 77-83MHz and just the simple exercise of positive thinking can have a frequency of 72-78MHz to help increase your personal vibrational frequency.
- Nurture your space – Clear your space of negativity using soothing essential oils such as:
- Rose
- Jasmine
- Lemongrass
- Lavender
Nothing is more calming than a space carved out for yourself. Using a diffuser within your area can drive the negativity out and help raise the frequency in the room for you to inhale. Using high-quality essential oil blends in your everyday life that have a frequency of 52 to 580 MHz and can be an instant increase to your vibrational energy.
Feeling good?
Now you have tried our three easy tips, do you feel clearer? Calmer and more positive? Great! Do you have any of your own special tips to raising your vibrational frequency? Share below!
If you would like to know more about what essential oils can help your vibration frequency, speak to me, Kristen! I’m the Chief Blend Designer and owner of Bella Oils and we can discuss the best essential oil blend for you.